Brooklyn Bridge Engagement Photos

March 5, 2023

Couple embracing in Soho

Brooklyn Bridge Engagement Photos

Beth + Phil

Have you ever scouted a shoot on the Brooklyn Bridge in February when the temps were randomly in the 70’s, causing the entire bridge to be packed with people? That is how this shoot started. I headed up to NYC the night before the shoot on the train, to scout the Brooklyn Bridge and a section of Soho for these engagement photos. I hadn’t photographed there for years, and wanted to try to find the perfect Belgian Block streets to photograph Beth and Phil in SOHO. The weather was perfect, but the bridge was so full of people, that from a distance, I actually thought there was some kind of organized walk happening. Even though the shoot the following day, was scheduled for sunrise, I was getting worried that the bridge might be packed no matter how early we started.

When I woke up the following morning, the forecast had taken a turn for the worse, and it was raining. Two of the three weather websites I checked, said it was going to clear soon after the sun was up, but the other site predicted rain for the entire shoot. Phil ( a radar master) was confident that it would clear by sunrise, so Beth, Phil, and I decided to meet up anyway, knowing we might have to reschedule. As I walked from my hotel to the Brooklyn Bridge, I was getting rained on, and things were not looking good. Luckily, as soon as they exited their Uber, the rain magically stopped, and we had the entire Brooklyn Bridge to ourselves. Who knew that a rainy forecast could actually be a blessing?

Brooklyn Bridge Engagement Photos

We spent the next hour or so making our way across the bridge, stopping along the way. Then we hopped on the Subway and went to SOHO

SOHO Engagement Photos

SOHO is one of the most picturesque parts of the city. The cast-iron architecture and Belgian Block streets, make you feel like you are in a movie. (a movie filled with walking, laughter, dipping, and twirling) When choosing a location for your session, choose somewhere that is meaningful to you, or feels magical, and maybe even hope for rain 🙂

Fun fact, this Bride-to-Be, is the cousin of one of my former brides. (they are both the sweetest) The link to the blog for her cousins wedding is here

couple in soho
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